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This post is addressing the Anthony Migchels Cult propaganda about MPE at realcurrencies.

According to wikipedia a cult is the sociological classifications of religious movements, a cult is a religious or social group with socially deviant or novel beliefs and practices..

A religion is an organized collection of beliefs, cultural systems, and world views that relate humanity to an order of existence

Belief is a mental representation, treated in various academic disciplines, especially philosophy and psychology, of a sentient being’s attitude toward the likelihood or truth of something.

Social Group:
A social group within social sciences has been defined as two or more people who interact with one another, share similar characteristics, and collectively have a sense of unity.

Socially Deviant:
In sociology, deviance describes an action or behavior that violates social norms, including a formally enacted rule (e.g., crime),as well as informal violations of social norms (e.g., rejecting folkways and mores). It is the purview of sociologists, psychologists, psychiatrists, and criminologists to study how these norms are created, how they change over time and how they are enforced.

Novelty (derived from Latin word novus for “new”) is the quality of being new, or following from that, of being striking, original or unusual.[1] Novelty may be the shared experience of a new cultural phenomenon or the subjective perception of an individual.

So one might ask now is MPE a Cult?

Q: Might MPE be defined as a religion?
A: Possibly Yes.

Q: Might MPE be defined as a belief?
A: Possibly Yes.

Q: Might MPE be defined a Social Group?
A: Possibly Yes.

Q: Might MPE be defined as socially defiant?
A: Technically NO, MPE is in fact not in deviance of an enacted rule based on formal agreement that would otherwise be termed a violation, simply because no where in history has banking ever formerly been assented by the people, so there has been no formal agreement that would otherwise stipulate a violation or deviance of a presumed norm, or an enacted rule, bereft of any formal proofs that has just instead been imposed as an assumption. (eg: bank loans). On the contrary MPE is far from informal when it  formally proves & demonstrates a particular presumed norm, purported agreement or enacted rule is based on a LIE.

Q: Might MPE be defined as Novel?
A: Possibly Yes.

The next question I guess is Banking, or any purported solution that preserves the crime of banking a cult.

Q: Might banking be defined as a Religion?
A: Possibly Yes.

Q: Might banking be defined as a belief?
A: Possibly Yes.

Q: Might banking be defined as a Social Group?
A: Possibly Yes.

Q: Might banking be defined as socially defiant?
A: Absolutely YES, banking violates the social norms by pretending to loan money, including a formally enacted rule (e.g: the crime of theft), as well as informal violations of social norms that presumes banks loan money, bereft of any formal proof or qualification.

Q: Might Banking  be defined as Novel?
A: Possibly Yes.

I put to the reader, according to wikipedia what belief that only two people are in agreement is not a religion today, or what might we just assume is a cult  that’s socially defiant?

Keeping in mind  MPE strictly upholds the formally enacted rule or law that stipulates stealing is a crime of theft without compromise, contradiction or any equivocation. Therefore  MPE in fact does not even qualify as a cult by definition, regardless of informal violations of the social norm that suggests banks do create & or loan us money without a shred of evidence that otherwise proves they actually do.

Have any of you ever considered the assumption that just asserts banks loan us money is a cult belief in itself, bereft of any formal proof or qualification?

Could this possibly mean those who propagate the idea MPE is a cult are calling the kettle black & it is they who are banking cultists who want nothing more than to preserve a monumental crime of theft for their own personal gain, fame or glory. Particularly the banks first crime pretending to loan a sum of principal by irrationally denying all along banks not only steal a sum of principal in a pretended loan, but any interest we pay above the sum of principal is in fact stealing all that much further from us when each & everyone of us spends money today, where artificial price inflation is in fact not caused by circulatory inflation at all, but instead the very interest we all pay on our personal falsified debts, which can only ever give people (banking cults) the illusion that just assumes increasing prices means increasing value or purported growth.

So why did Anthony Migchels begin all this Cult nonsense about MPE?

Is it because MPE advocates have already exposed him for his “Mutual Credit “ proposal after years of openly plagiarizing MPE. Stealing from the MPE thesis only in part to sell the lie to his readers that suggests a mere publisher in his “Mutual Credit “ scam can  create & loan us money that MPE itself disproves. In retaliation as a result of being held accountable for his deception Anthony has just propagated further lies on the internet suggesting MPE is cult to point everyone away from the one & only solution.

Does Anthony not want to preserve the banks first crime of theft, or be it preserve the purposed obfuscation of our promissory obligations by denying us the right to issue a promissory obligation to each other free from the very crime he wants to preserve in his “Mutual Credit “ proposal that uses words such as “repay’ ” loan” & “borrowing” definitive to theft?

Is Anthony Migchels not a Banking Cultist himself & one of many cult leaders out there today who want nothing more but to preserve the very crime MPE exposes?

The following is from Anthony’s mutual credit proposal.

In regard to Mathematically Perfected Economy, a highly advanced Mutual Credit system, 0% interest rates will lead to a demand for credit that is greater than the economy can handle: it would create so much structural demand in the economy that there would simply not be enough productive capacity in society to meet it and prices would start to rise. Asset bubbles are to be expected, both in commodities and real estate. A vicious circle of growing asset prices and growing demand would seem to guarantee this.

Firstly MPE is not a mutual credit system, far from it as matter of fact. Anthony is just writing this to disguise the fact he has been plagiarizing MPE, & secondly to suggest Zero interest in MPE will lead to higher demand of money (alleged credit) is quite frankly an oxymoron, considering eradicating interest eradicates the higher demand of money to otherwise pay principal + interest out of a circulation comprised of only principal. Therefore to go on to conclude low production wont meet a greater demand for money is another oxymoron to irrationally justify the LIE that suggests MPE is susceptible to asset bubbles.

If anyone was to ever look at MPEs mathematics — regardless if production is up or down the represented production is always equal to the remaining circulation & remaining debt– where there simply  is no inflation or deflation, much less asset bubbles.

Sure If the theory of supply & demand stands correct as a determining factor in price only after banking/interest is eradicated that currently far surpasses any increase or decrease  in price possibly caused by supply & demand — I would nonetheless define price fluctuations caused supply & demand *natural price inflation & deflation* which are often restricted to one particular product apposed to all production & for so long as the supply of that product remains overabundant or scarce in relation to its demand.

However under a Mathematically Perfected Economy™ in a true free enterprise market, free from the current artificial manipulation of the cost or value of all money & property — or any mutual credit scams pretending to loan us money — if a product supply actually meets demand we can further determine the price of that product cant possibly be subject to inflation or deflation. Neither natural price inflation & deflation possibly caused by supply & demand of a *product*, not even artificial price inflation caused by the added cost of interest, nor for that matter circulatory inflation & deflation either. That’s if anyone was to ever look at MPEs mathematics.

In all seriousness Anthony wouldn’t know what is sovereign even if it jumped up & bit him on the nose. The only reason why Anthony evades the mathematics that categorically proves him incorrect is because if he didn’t & likewise stole the math’s along with just about everything else he has stolen from MPE it would be all too clear to everyone he has been plagiarizing MPE all along to preserve the crime of banking in his mutual credit scam — that nonetheless steals the principal in a phony loan that should be rightly retired, not re-payed, loaned or borrowed, because we the people (obligor) already create the sum of principal before any deposit or book entry to subsequently pay the debt on the sale trade or transaction..

The logical question begs to be asked ; How can banks create money if they neither risk or give up consideration from their otherwise prior legitimate possession? They simply dont.  How can banks create money via fractional banking on ZERO DEPOSIT? They dont. This likewise defies the whole assumption that suggests banks create money from a fraction of deposits, simply because there is no deposit to begin with to apply faction banking. How can the real creditor giving up property in exchange for money rationally  loan what has not yet been paid? They dont , never have, which proves we have never borrowed from other peoples deposits in the bank either.  Banks have no reserves other than what they’re stealing & laundering out of monetary circulation via purported loans in private debt — that is  laundered back as every increase in government debt to perpetually reflate circulation.

I invite the reader to read an in depth discussion I had with Anthony Migchels — not only disproving everything he asserts in his MPE cult propaganda before he even published it, but providing further evidence with ” before & after screen shots”  of his website proving he has purposely edited whole paragraphs out of my comments that were disproving his assumptions, only to inform his readers after the edit I’m somehow brainwashed by a cult with what I can & have already proven on countless occasions using nothing more than  second grade mathematics & the rudimentary logic of a kindergarten child.

Please by all means I invite anyone reading this post to read on HERE where I expose this charlatan for who he really is. I have nothing to hide.

David Ardron.
Advocate / mentor, Co-founder, Co-director – Mathematically Perfected Economy™ (au)


(Published : July 21, 2015, last edit October 25, 2017)